
Mr. Travis Cryan CEM

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Posted By Travis Cryan 07-08-2024 11:40
Found In : Communities
This community will host all future updates on the IAEM-USA DEI path forward.
Posted By Travis Cryan 06-27-2024 14:08
Found In Egroup: U.S. Government Affairs
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In April, we learned that the DHS grant funds that support our programs would receive cuts that average about 9% across the board for the FY24 budget year (Oct '23 – Sept '24). Two months later, we are finally starting to see the actual consequences of those cuts. While IAEM, NEMA, BCEM, and others ...
Posted By Travis Cryan 01-10-2024 09:47
Found In Egroup: U.S. Government Affairs
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I definitely think this is worth looking into as an association. I'm a huge proponent for improving and aligning safety requirements. My question would be, and something we may need to address in any position we take, is will this result in any associated costs (for additional/recurrent training, PPE, ...
Posted By Travis Cryan 06-30-2023 13:25
Found In Egroup: U.S. Government Affairs
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IAEM Members, The Government Affairs Committee (GAC) wants to let you know that we working closely with the Healthcare Caucus (HCC) to keep a close eye on reauthorization of the "Pandemic All-Hazards Preparedness Act" or PAHPA. PAHPA was first signed into law in 2006, and then re-authorized in ...