U.S. Government Affairs

IAEM Actions on DHS Funding Cuts

  • 1.  IAEM Actions on DHS Funding Cuts

    Posted 05-13-2024 10:01

    Good Morning,

    This morning, IAEM and a coalition of emergency management, public safety, and government advocacy organizations released the attached letter to express our concerns with the FY24 9% cuts to DHS grant programs including EMPG and HSGP. We're still learning about how states are looking to adapt to this cut and what impact it will have on local jurisdictions. Feel free to share the attached letter and image far and wide.

    Additionally on May 9th, IAEM, NEMA, and BCEM send the attached letter to Secretary Mayorkas.  The letter discusses the concern with the FY24 budget agreement and then asks that he and Administrator Criswell look for FY24 reprogramming opportunities to make up the shortfall and/or include the shortfalls in the inevitable DRF supplemental request. 

    What we need from you:

    • Share these concerns with your Representatives and Senators. IAEM Government Affairs Committee is currently putting together a grassroots initiative (similar to the recent NWS campaign) to help you craft letters and conversations with your elected officials. If you are interested in volunteering with this effort, please reach out to GovAffairs@iaem.com
    • Share your stories with us. Reach out to GovAffairs@iaem.com if you're aware of how these cuts are going to impact the pass through of EMPG funds in your state or how these cuts will impact your program.

    More details to come on how you can help.


    Justin Kates
    Senior Business Continuity Advisor
    Wawa, Inc.
    Lewes DE
    (603) 722-0288