U.S. Government Affairs

GAC Cross-Over Post: NEMA Ready Nation Policy Email

  • 1.  GAC Cross-Over Post: NEMA Ready Nation Policy Email

    Posted 08-05-2024 12:28
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    If you are also a member of NEMA, you may have already received the attached newsletter. 

    For those who are not NEMA members, the attached newsletter was sent last week to highlight, as we did, that Congress has adjourned until after Labor Day. We mention this return home because they have done so without doing a marked-up of several key bills that pertain to our profession. Thad has been and will continue to post specifics on each of the bills, but in the meantime, I wanted to share NEMA's perspective on this. Of specific concern to IAEM and NEMA is a bill to modernize Disaster Management Costs. 

    Now is your chance to catch your representatives while they're at home to help educate them about the importance of the support we provide our communities. Chatham County, Georgia, recently did a great job with this by inviting Senator Worknock for an EOC walkthrough. (See story HERE)

    Keep us posted on your outreach and eduction efforts, or let us know if you need help.


    Travis Cryan, MS, CEM
    IAEM Chief of Staff