U.S. Government Affairs

  • 1.  Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act

    Posted 10-23-2023 12:01
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    Back in 2018, IAEM and NEMA submitted a white paper to FEMA entitled Rollover of Disaster Management Costs: Increasing Capability and Responsibility in Managing Disaster Declarations.  The white paper outlined a proposal to allow grantees to utilize management costs across all open disasters which would have the effect of incentivizing disaster close out and driving down the costs of disasters. 

    See the attached white paper. 

    At long last, Congress is poised to take action on this proposal.  On Wednesday, October 25, the Senate Homeland Security Committee will mark up S.3071, the Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act.

    A big thanks to Senator Maggie Hassan (D-NH) for taking the lead on this bill.

    You can stream the mark up here.

    Thad Huguley
    Government Affairs Director
    Falls Church VA
    (615) 870-9316


  • 2.  RE: Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act

    Posted 10-24-2023 18:27
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    See the attached letter from NEMA, IAEM, BCEM, the BuildStrong Coalition, and NVOD in support of S.3071.

    Thad Huguley
    Government Affairs Director
    Falls Church VA
    (615) 870-9316


  • 3.  RE: Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act

    Posted 10-25-2023 14:16


    The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee reported the Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act (S.3071) out of Committee and to the full Senate for consideration.  A big thank you to Chairman Gary Peters (D-MI) and his staff for their hard work to get this bill to the Senate floor.

    The Committee's mark-up can be streamed here.

    Thad Huguley
    Government Affairs Director
    Falls Church VA
    (615) 870-9316

  • 4.  RE: Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act

    Posted 06-05-2024 16:35
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    Attached is a letter from NEMA, IAEM, BuildStrong America, BCEM, and NVOAD regarding getting H.R. 7671, the Disaster Management Cost Modernization Act on the upcoming T&I mark-up schedule.

    Thad Huguley
    Government Affairs Director
    Falls Church VA
    (615) 870-9316

  • 5.  RE: Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act

    Posted 12-09-2024 16:27

    The Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act passed the House today!  This is a huge step forward for this bill with the finish line in sight.  We need the Senate to pass the bill before the end of the year so that we can send it to the President for his signature.

    Talentino Angelosante, CPP, CEM
    Protective Services Program (PSP)
    Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
    P.O. Box 40006 | College Station, TX 77842-4006

  • 6.  RE: Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act

    Posted 12-18-2024 15:37

    The Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act was attached to the combined continuing resolution and disaster supplemental!  The House and Senate are expected to vote on the CR sometime this weekend.  If it passes, the management cost bill will go to the President for his signature.  We are so close to getting this done!

    Talentino Angelosante, CPP, CEM
    Protective Services Program (PSP)
    Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
    P.O. Box 40006 | College Station, TX 77842-4006

  • 7.  RE: Disaster Management Costs Modernization Act

    Posted 01-06-2025 14:06

    Well...we were so close to getting this done, but the Disaster Management Cost Modernization Act ended up getting removed from the continuing resolution that Congress passed before they adjourned in December.  This was an incredibly disappointing outcome, but we will try again during the next Congress to get this bill across the finish line.  

    Thanks to everyone who contacted their elected officials to express support for this bill.  The fight continues.

    Talentino Angelosante, CPP, CEM
    Protective Services Program (PSP)
    Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX)
    P.O. Box 40006 | College Station, TX 77842-4006